This is a photo of one of a very close friend! We have lots of fun together and keep each other sane in the madness that is doing a Masters of Architecture :s
I actually regularly ask myself why on earth I am putting myself through this course when it's clearly not something that I can see myself doing in the future and I've come to the realisation that it's probably because I'm stubborn. I've put myself through 3 crap years of undergrad and a year working in a practice I wasn't happy in and getting this qualification means that it was all worthwhile even if it is a little pointless in the grand scheme of things :p
I have learnt that if I can do this! Then I can do anything! I'm stronger because of it, learnt that I can take knocks and get up again and mainly the importance of having good friends! What can I say the pain of architecture has brought us all together..
Anyhoo this photo was taken on the beach in Brighton and it summed up the fun Friday we had. From now on we're gonna make every Friday a Fun Friday.
ps. I now have a twitter :)
Hope you're all well!